Mary L Clark (Hanby) to sister Martha H Clark (Strickland) Jun 28 1857

Sandy Plains June the 28th
My Dear Sister
I have waited for a letter from
you until I have almost come to the conclusion that you have forgotten
to write to me. I will write you a few lines though I have nothing
of much importance to write. We are all tolerably well at present
except Elizabeth and she is about as she has been for some time I
suppose. I have not been up to Fathers in three or four weeks.
Babe returned from Mt Airy Friday evening and complains a good deal
of the fare they had. She says that she felt so weak some times for
the want of something to eat that she could not study. Harden
Reynolds, daughters, Mr Rea, Dr Faulkner & Billy Moer came
home with Thomas & Babe. Ann & Babe came down and took
dinner with us to day started directly after to go home and make
preparation for preaching this evening at the church by Mr Averit
I regretted very much that I could not go I saw good many pass by
and I had to stay at home like some old cripple.
We are very dry at this time and have been so for some three or
four weeks or perhaps longer than that if it does not rain here
in a few days I dont think we will have any vegetables to use
this summer we have had a small dish of potatoes twice only
and no other vegetable at all. I have a few young snaps none large
enough to use though. There isn’t any fruit here not
enough cherrys to supply the Birds. I must close as I do not
feel like writing this evening. Joseph frequently speaks of you
My Dear Sister
I have waited for a letter from
you until I have almost come to the conclusion that you have forgotten
to write to me. I will write you a few lines though I have nothing
of much importance to write. We are all tolerably well at present
except Elizabeth and she is about as she has been for some time I
suppose. I have not been up to Fathers in three or four weeks.
Babe returned from Mt Airy Friday evening and complains a good deal
of the fare they had. She says that she felt so weak some times for
the want of something to eat that she could not study. Harden
Reynolds, daughters, Mr Rea, Dr Faulkner & Billy Moer came
home with Thomas & Babe. Ann & Babe came down and took
dinner with us to day started directly after to go home and make
preparation for preaching this evening at the church by Mr Averit
I regretted very much that I could not go I saw good many pass by
and I had to stay at home like some old cripple.
We are very dry at this time and have been so for some three or
four weeks or perhaps longer than that if it does not rain here
in a few days I dont think we will have any vegetables to use
this summer we have had a small dish of potatoes twice only
and no other vegetable at all. I have a few young snaps none large
enough to use though. There isn’t any fruit here not
enough cherrys to supply the Birds. I must close as I do not
feel like writing this evening. Joseph frequently speaks of you

and says tell you to come and see him he said when he heard
that you were gone if I did not watch him he would go down
about the road and slip off and go where that money is.
My little Sue has four teeth can walk very well and speak
some few words so as I can understand her.
You must write to me soon you have a much better opportunity
for writing than I have. Oh my Sister I would be so glad
if we lived nearer each other so that we could see each other oftener
than we do. When are you coming over
My respects to Mr Strickland
your affectionate Sister
that you were gone if I did not watch him he would go down
about the road and slip off and go where that money is.
My little Sue has four teeth can walk very well and speak
some few words so as I can understand her.
You must write to me soon you have a much better opportunity
for writing than I have. Oh my Sister I would be so glad
if we lived nearer each other so that we could see each other oftener
than we do. When are you coming over
My respects to Mr Strickland
your affectionate Sister